Tough Mudder
On a other journey to the Midwest to participate in the Tough Mudder Event in Milwaukee, WI. The funny thing is that I met this young lady in MSP. She was introduce to me by a friend at myth during a party. My friend had met her thru FB and had been texting with her prior to the J4 event in MSP. The following day, as I caught her coming from a basement of a friends' house, I asked her where she was from, which city and her family name. I was familiar with her family, as I confirmed with my brother back home, he stated that she is related. To find out she is my auntie however she does not have the same last name. How ironic she is related to me, our relation is from my great great aunt marrying into their family. Anyway back to the Tough Mudder, during the next few days in MSP as got to talking to her and her brother regarding my past events that I had participated in; warrior dash, the survivor mud race and I want to do the Tough Mudder but I could not find or create a team to run the race in my area. They had mention to me that they had already registered for the one in Milwaukee, WI. So they asked me if I would like to join or participate with their group. Knowing me, I did not hesitate to say, "YES"! Their group consist of three ladies, five men including me.
When I arrived in Milwaukee, the following day we had a pre meeting to discuss the event and for me to meet the rest of the team. During our meeting we had pick up another guys who had registered but his teammate had not done so. At the day of the event, I was overly excited and I cannot wait to start the race. I thought the race started, because we had to jumping over two walls just to get to the start up line. I had to help a young lady over the wall. Our team asked her if she was running with anybody and she replies that her teammates did not registered either, so we asked if she wanted to run with us. Which she did. Our team went from eight to a total of ten; four ladies and six men.
As we were waiting at the starting line, the clouds became darken and rain started to pour down on us drenching are clothes as lightning struck nearby. While we were waiting for the race to begin I can feel my body becoming chilled from the cold rain. A loud boom struck and the race began. It took a while to get my body to warmed up because of the rain. Running throughout the day with rain pouring most of the day was pretty exciting and different. I was pretty much prepare to complete or finish all events that was provided from Tough Mudder. I have been training for the last several months prior to the Tough Mudder, which made it easy for me during the event. Some of our members had cramped and bypassed some of the obstacles. But overall we had a successful event with everybody completing and the friendship I had made during this event. I will remember for a life time. It took us 4 1/2 hours to complete the Touch Mudder, afterword we're very exhausted and we went to a local bar in the evening to celebrate our victory and personal challenges that we had to finish. Because this is a group effort instead of individuals races.
I would probably do this again but in my local state next time. Have you done the Tough Mudder? What was your experience like?
Whenever I plan to participate in any events or travel I like to do a few site seeing of the city I'm going to. Here are a few places I went too.
Lakefront brewery
Harley Davidson museum
Holy Hill Church
Lake Michigan