Thursday, July 25, 2024

Silver Star Hike

Took a little hike this morning, it's nice to see the outdoors.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Feeling like being young again

Don't you ever wish you were young again?

Somewhere deep in my heart I desire to go back in time and become a kid again. I miss those days when I was innocent, carefree and free spirited. Those were the days. There was no stress, no tension, no pressures and no expectations from no one. My world was free

from gossips, manipulations and backstabbing. That was the time when I didn’t know what words like jealousy, love, hatred and betrayal meant. That was a time when I had faith in people whom I called friends. Life was so peaceful, beautiful and amusing. But now all that seems like once upon a time. But seriously If I had a choice I would never grow up…But if wishes were horses we would never have broken and shattered dreams and fulfill all our desires.

Glacier National Park, MT

Took a journey to Glacier National Park before the summer wave kick in. The views were spectacular and breathtaking.

Glacier Lake

Lake McDonald  

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

(Temporary Backup) Update on the green house

The greenhouse is complete with all sorts of use windows and UV sun plastics to cover the roof and odd shapes.

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Stonehenge WW1 Memorial

Stonehenge WW1 Memorial
Maryhill, Washington 

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The Dragon Prince

I had just finish reading the, "Memoirs of a Haunted Hmong Girl", by Moon Vang a few weeks ago but never got to post it.

The book was based on an inspiring true story, about a young lady falling in love with Yushin the Dragon Prince from the spiritual realm. She goes into how they met and the fallout of the two worlds.  

Since this book has came out their has been a lot of buzz and frenzy from young and older women on social media in love with this Yushin character in the book.  So my wife purchased the book to read because she like to collect Hmong writers and their books. She was talking to me about the book so I thought I should read it too to see what's all the fuzz was about? I thought the writer did a descent job writing about the relationship between Yushin and her.

Sometimes it's hard to grasp the concept of loving someone from another realm?  However I did love Wonder Woman and I still love her till this day from afar.  Wonder Woman is from the DC universe but nothing really come of it between her and I.  Perhaps we just cross paths and have to live our life out as we are now, until the next life like the book. perhaps we'll be able to find each other and be together? Not to say that is in possible if you believe their is other realm or universe. 

Here is a quote I like from the book:

"Wujin stares at me sadly. "That's why we should cherish our loved ones when we're alive. That's why we love to the fullest with no regrets, right?"

Perhaps you can add this to your reading list this year and let me know?

Monday, August 2, 2021

Timothy 6:13

The article written by the local newspaper of my son and his girlfriend:

The news:

Several hours later after his car accident, the local sheriff was inform by the officer from Texas. Soon after they came to my house, my family and I were just finishing our dinner.  My wife went answer the a knock at the front door, two sheriff was there and wanted to speak to me.  They asked, where I was, and wanted to speak to me alone, my wife repeatedly asked if I was in trouble. The two sheriff assure her, that their was no such things and just wanted to talk to me.  As I walked outside to the front lawn, one of the sheriff asked me to seat down. With that kind of commend my heart drop to the ground I felt my heartbeat went from normal to a hundred miles per second, I knew in my heart it was bad news.  What crossed my mind was my two oldest are not home.  My son was in Texas and my daughter was out of town at college. I finally asked what was the reason for their visit? The sheriff responded of the horrible news. I almost died from the news with tears rolling down my cheeks. The pain hurt so much which I could not bare. My wife came out to see why I was sobbing in tears.  I replied to her that my oldest had recently died from a car accident. We were both crying. Then I had to break the news to my two youngest of their sibling passing. I could hardly gather my thoughts to speak clearly to them. We all just hugged together and cried as I was trying to explain the situation.

No parents should have to go through this...

"When the young bury the old, time heals the pain and sorrow: but when the process is reversed the sorrow remains forever. Joseph Kennedy Sr." 

The day I went to the funeral chapel to confirm the body that was sent from Texas:

Seeing you today was the hardest day of my life, my son. Instead of journeying home from Texas to my house, I had to receive you differently in the most unimaginable way. What should’ve been a joyous moment was nothing but sadness and pain. I’m trying to stay strong to prepare your memorial service and celebrate your life. All I can do is ask God to give me strength and help guide me through this difficult time.

My speech during the service to my beloved son: These are some notes and I spoke some from the heart.

Timothy, time will never heal the pain that I am going through, and without you, our lives have been completely shattered the day I heard of your passing.

My sweet son, you made the world a better place, and life won’t be the same without you.

As you can see, you have touched so many lives because of the person he was, and if he was here now, he would say: ‘Please live your live to the fullest.’

As I was going thru his belongings tuck inside his red wallet. I came across this fortune cookie quote, “Every exit is an entrance to new experiences.” This quote brought happiness to me knowing that every exit and entrance you have lived to the fullest which I admired. Your last exit is hard to take but knowing you are in a better place with God, our forefathers and my parents has given me the strength to believe we will see eachother agian. The only thing you never had here on earth was wings, you have them now. God bless you, my sweet boy.” 

One thing I will regret is not seeing you become the man you are growing into.

I know I’ve said this to you many occasions while you were living but for the last time, “I love you from the bottom of my heart, and with every fiber in my body.

Until we me again. My beloved son.

I want to express my deepest gratitude for the outpouring of love and support, my family have received from all of you. The pain is still raw and we continue to grieve, but it has provided us with some comfort.

A thank you in Hmong to everyone:  

Ua tsaug nawb mog, peb tsev xyom cuab Tsev pluj tsev tuag tsev puag tsev nroog 

Koj tsi ca le, Koj tsuas xaav neej xaav tsuav xaav nstuab xaav ze 

Toom txheej toom lis, Nyaj txag nto tuaj paab peb tsev xyom cuab, Tam kev neej kev tsaav, Ntseg log puab taam tug neej txawb 

Laug tag lwm nub peb tsev xyom cua, Txawj ua lub neej ces, Peb yuav ncu koj tug txaj tug ntsis 

Tsi txawj ua neej ces, Cuag le yuav muaj koj tug txaj tug ntsig, koj moog ntsum zoov ntsum tsuag, Ua naag tshauv naag tsha yaaj, Moog xwb nawb mog 

Ua koj tsaug nawb

What I've learned from my sons death is that we are not promise of tomorrow, that we should forgive a lot and love a lot, and to live life to the fullest.  Even thought my son did not have much when he was living in Texas but I was extremely proud of him for going outside his comfort zone and living on his own, trying to become his own man.  Wish I was bale to say that to him in person.

LIVE, LOVE and LAUGH my friends.

A song my wife and I had her brother sang on our behalf to our son for us.