Sunday, November 6, 2011

Inspired by a good friend

I had always wanted to start my own blog just to write about anything/ everything on my mind, about things that makes me happy and what I enjoy doing. I'll summarize or write about those things later in my blog. However it took me two years since the first time I heard of blog/blogging, I knew I wanted to share my experiences and have a recording of my life event so that one day my kids will read about it. I have written down my user name and password and place it into a save-box. So that if anything would happen to me when I'm old and gray they will be able to learn a little about me.

         Recently I've encounter a lost friend that have been missing in my life for 39 years. You can say we've known each other really well, this person have been writing their blog several years now which has inspired me to start writing. I could not thank this person enough in supporting me to write even though I'm not a great writer. But its about sharing things that has happen, and whats going to happening in my life. My friend has been with me through thick in thin in helping me to recover from my divorce. I won't go into that now. Such friends like this you don't want to lose. I just want to thank this person with all my heart, they know who they are...much love.


At November 9, 2011 at 2:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm happy to have come across your blog. So far you've put some interesting posts and I can't wait to see what else you have to share. I hope that you continue to stay friends with your friend. I'm sure your friend knows how thankful you are. You sound like a very genuine person and I'm pretty sure that your friend must be thankful for your friendship. Hopefully your friend takes the time to also tell you that too. Keep posting BIGGS. ;) ---WW


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