Thursday, July 17, 2014

2014 Elowah and Upper McCord creek waterfalls

Last week I took my kids on a short hike to see two waterfalls.  How for the hike was just perfect, short and simple. The Elowah Fall was .8 miles and the Upper McCord Creek Fall was 1.1 miles. The terrain was not too steep for the kids to hike, on the Portland hiking website the waterfalls trails is consider or rated as an easy hike. 

We made our way to the Elowah fall first, then we went to the Upper McCord Creek fall.
As you walk up a pass under the tree growth to the waterfall.

Closer shot

My kids standing at the base of the bridge of the waterfall.

Upper McCord Creek Fall selfie using a rock as my tripod and I slow down the shutters so I can have smooth waterfall. 

A side view of Upper McCord Creek Fall

In order to see the upper McCord Creek fall you have to access a steep canyon to get to the base of the waterfall. Where I was able to take a selfie and I do not take my kids along with me on this hike. As a stay above the creek playing.


At July 17, 2014 at 12:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see that someone's been copying someone's photography skills when taking pictures of moving waters. Great pictures, as always.

At March 23, 2015 at 8:16 AM , Blogger BIGGS said...

You know it!


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