2016 Elk Bow Hunting
It's always a pleasure hunting with my nephews in the Pacific Northwest. It's about enjoying the outdoors, hunting, male bonding, and reflecting on our daily hunt experiences. Some question could arise from each hunt, how we can be better hunter during each hunt as each year pass, what could we have done better, and was our setup in the correct location? With each lesson learned, we can improve our hunt.
Hunting with a bow is very hard work. In order to gave you a better chance of being successful you need to learn; learn and practice shooting your bow, learn and be very familiar with your bow equipments, learn and tactics of engagements (setup), and learn elk language and calling to attract them.
The easy part is after the elk has been put down. Dressing and packing comes easy for me because I've learned undressing animals when I was a young boy taught by my father and older brothers.
I always seems to get the heavy loads when we pack out? Perhaps I'm more in shape then my nephews which are younger than I. That does not make sense?
During my hunt I was able to record calf/cow calling about ~80 yards from me.
Labels: #elk