Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thailand Game Fowl

       When I was a young boy, I saw my first game fowl fight in the ring in the summer of 1983.  As I watch with amazement of the movement and skills the game fowl displayed.   As each game fowl took turn displaying its skills over each other's.  I become more fascinated and shown interested in the fowl game bird.  During that summer I could not keep the game fowl out of mind.  I saw images of their graceful movement in my dreams.  I started to question my brother-n-law and friends regarding these game fowl and wanted to know more and learned as much about it as I can.   Many of the people I talk to were amamture game fowl breeders and had little game fowl experience in the ring, but love to raise them as a hobby.
     I begun to work hard in my chores and went strawberry picking as a young boy in the hot summer to earn a few bucks to purchase my first game fowl chick. It seems the summer was long and my hard work has paid off. I couldn't wait to go purchases my Thailand game fowl baby chick.  I remember the on Saturday in Sept. of 1983 I then went to the man who I first saw his game fowl fighting and wanted to purchase one of his game fowl.  He was selling his baby chicks for 20 bucks, which at this time 20 was a lot for me, but I purchase it away.   My parents did not approve of me purchasing this baby chick and make me return it.  I was devastated, when I had to return the black chick and I was very sad for several weeks.  I could not get over why my parents disapprove.  Maybe I was to youung at the time?

     A few weeks later my brother-n-laws' hen hatches a few chicks.   He knows how bad I wanted to get some of my own.   He gave me two chicks, which I had to convince my parents that I would be responsible for raising them.  It was hard work in raising two baby chicks.  They had to be kept in a box with lights to keep them warm since they were taken away from their mother.  Since that time, every year after that I was raising my own game fowls.  Which I had a learning curve to breed and rearing my own chicks.  None of the game fowl ever made it to the big game, but I enjoy breeding and raising the young chicks.
Not until later in my teens when I started to raise the game fowl with the Heu Family.   They have shown me how to become a better breeder and the aspect of game fowl fighting.  I was traveling with Vue all over the country and preparing his game fowl for game day.  Each week we would travel to cities to watch and participate in game fowl fighting.  I've gain so much knowledge in that one year then to my previous 12 years of breeding these game fowl.  Vue taught me how to prepare the game fowl for each event. 

Vue and his brothers are very competitive when it comes to any sports, which involves full contact.   Many of his brothers enjoy the game fowl fighting and has it own philosophy of how a game bird suppose to react and counter act when it is fighting and along with the breeding method.  
After Vue moved out of state I started to breed and rearing these wonderful game fowl that I have come to enjoy on my off time from school, and work with his younger brother Va.  Va's philosophy of breeding and game fowl fighting totally different from his brother Vue, I've gain another view that Thai game fowl in techniques of breeding and preparation of game fowl fighting for the ring.  

[I was to young then to have a camera to take pictures of the Thai Game Fowl then, but it hasn't change much from these pictures that I took 2005]


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