Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful for

I thank thee Lord above for giving me a new opportunity each day to live, love and laugh.

Every year my sibling, their kids and I generally celebrate Thanksgiving together at my house, however in the past few years we haven't been celebrating due to my divorce. I still get invited now and then to my families house for Thanksgiving dinner but it doesn't feel the same. Maybe one day I will start a new tradition with my family. 

I'm also thankful for being physically healthy and to have a good job so that my kids can have a better life. My kids can be a hand full at times but I'm so bless to have them. They bring so much joy and happiness into my life. I couldn't see myself without them.

As for my family and friends, you couldn't as for a better group of people. They are so supportive, and loving. I am truly bless to be surrounded by them and having them in my life. At times we may have our differences but we always seems to clear things up. Also they are very supportive of me and each other. I thank them all who has supportive me when I was going touch times.  Love them much.

Lastly but never forgotten is my "Sweet", may you find peace with yourself and find love. I will continue this journey forward and maybe someday we will meet again. Hopefully next time around our situation would be in better hands.  Love you much!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Spongebob: “What do you usually do when I’m gone? Patrick: waiting for you to come back.”

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I Love You This Much!

Even when you love them this much, they still don't believe you that you would give up for them.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Beginning of a New Chapter

Taken in San Diego 2011 Oct 21 
Waiting for the next ship to come by? Maybe it will take me places where I've never been before?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Little Giant

Just in case somebody wanted to incubate some eggs as a project with their kids. These would be the items you need to be successfully at hatching your own eggs.

Item # 9200, Little giant still air.
Item # 10200, circulated air incubator.
Item # 6300, automatic egg turner.

The night before, I started my incubator to warm up in preparation for loading the hens laying eggs. This will allows the incubator to stabilize the temperature so the temperature doesn't fluctuate when you put the eggs in. In case the temperature fluctuates you can make adjustment to have it at the right temperature prior to putting the eggs inside.  Since my hens I've been laying eggs I started collecting some eggs for my incubator. I had collected 20 eggs from three different hens. The morning of March 24, 2012 at 7 AM I loaded those 20 eggs into incubator with the help of my kids. Now it's a matter of time before the eggs start hatching. The exact date would be April 14 (21 days later) or depending temperature setting? Can't wait.

During the process of all this I was working along with my four-year-old and my two-year-old showing them how to prep the incubator. I had my kids help me collect some of the remaining eggs from the hen nest. After the eggs were collected we use pencil to mark the eggs So that we know which eggs come from which hen.  Then we placed it into the incubator. Also it a good idea note or write it on a notebook to show which eggs was from each hens. Have fun if you have any question let me know?

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I Can't See You Where I've You Gone Too

Taken August 2012 at The Minneapolis Institute of Arts