Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful for

I thank thee Lord above for giving me a new opportunity each day to live, love and laugh.

Every year my sibling, their kids and I generally celebrate Thanksgiving together at my house, however in the past few years we haven't been celebrating due to my divorce. I still get invited now and then to my families house for Thanksgiving dinner but it doesn't feel the same. Maybe one day I will start a new tradition with my family. 

I'm also thankful for being physically healthy and to have a good job so that my kids can have a better life. My kids can be a hand full at times but I'm so bless to have them. They bring so much joy and happiness into my life. I couldn't see myself without them.

As for my family and friends, you couldn't as for a better group of people. They are so supportive, and loving. I am truly bless to be surrounded by them and having them in my life. At times we may have our differences but we always seems to clear things up. Also they are very supportive of me and each other. I thank them all who has supportive me when I was going touch times.  Love them much.

Lastly but never forgotten is my "Sweet", may you find peace with yourself and find love. I will continue this journey forward and maybe someday we will meet again. Hopefully next time around our situation would be in better hands.  Love you much!


At November 25, 2012 at 8:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A friend was just commenting to me that it has been a hectic and bad year for her. I thought the opposite was true for me. I told her that it has been a good year for me. The first thing that came into my mind was you. YOU made my year wonderful and you made me really really happy, even if it was only for a moment. I thank you for coming into my life. I too wish that you find love again. I have a feeling we are not yet done with one another and we probably will meet again. I love you.---Sweet

At December 5, 2012 at 9:57 PM , Blogger BIGGS said...

I know I only made you happy for a moment. We'll see if we meet again? By the sound of it, it seems like the last. I hope you well too.


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