Friday, July 31, 2015

5 Centimeters Per Second ( English Dubbed) HD

This was a short little love anime movie that I watched while traveling and killing time.  I thought I share this short anime film because I know some of my friends and family love to watch it.  

I thought this movie kinda remind me of me and my love stories. Sometime its seems so close but so far away as I let go of my former lover.  Sometime I wonder only if I would have taken that path instead what could have happen? Would it have been a better path? I'm not saying the path I took was a bad one, just wondering what would the out come be? Just like the movie butterfly affect. Perhaps it was never meant to be in this life because everything would be wrong like the movie. I guess I will know because I have taken the path I did.


At August 10, 2015 at 10:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't watched the little anime movie you suggested, but don't think too much about your former lover and "what could've been" and "what if." Also, don't think that the path you could've taken would have turned out bad (it could've been good). My point is, you don't know and just let it be. You've made your decisions and just live with your decisions. You'll have more decisions to make and your life (who knows, in time, you may meet up with your former lover again). Don't drive yourself crazy. Enjoy your life, as you know it now. I'm sure your former lover must think of you now and then. I'm also a big believer that if not this lifetime, then there will be another lifetime to find each other again. We are spiritual beings having human experiences; our spirits will always connect, despite the physical limitations of our human bodies.---WW

At September 10, 2015 at 10:57 PM , Blogger BIGGS said...

I'm not thinking too much. Just sharing.


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