Sunday, June 25, 2017

Npam Kev Hlub - David Yang

I want to say sorry to all the wonderful ladies that I've hurt in my past relationships. No lady should be treated poorly because a gentleman should know better to take care of her and protect her.  Sometimes I feel like karma has finally caught up to me or my life lesson had to be learn. Love is a sensitive subject that we would go beyond measures to hurt or kill someone for their love....

I hope that they will forgive me...

I wish I had done that to all the ladies in my life perhaps life would have been different?

Now that I have found love I will love to the fullest and see where this will take me.


At June 25, 2017 at 7:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uhhh...are you okay? Is everything okay with you and your wife? Do you need to get more sleep (you know I've always told you to sleep more so that you can think clearer)?

Maybe all the women from your past have forgiven you and it's just you needing to forgive yourself. Have you ever thought that maybe they are asking you to forgive them too?

Please take care of yourself. You know I only wish you lots of love, life, and laughter. Of course I've forgiven and I only hope that you've forgiven me too.---WW

At June 29, 2017 at 7:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WW, everything is all right with life. I just wanted to express my feeling and what was bothering me to the universe. Perhaps one day or in another life time I won't make those mistake again. I am truly happy to have met you for a brief moment in this life time. Likewise to you my dear friend that I have forgiven you. You are too sweet not to forgive.


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