Sunday, November 13, 2011

Oregon Hmong New Year

I would like to say, "Happy New Year" to all my friends and family including my followers of my blog.
For some reason this year is the first year I thought about wearing Hmong clothing during the Hmong New Year. I never thought it would happen to me, however it was exciting and at the same time nervous because I feel I was too old for this kinda stuff. I guest you are never too old to enjoy where you're from and your heritage. These days many Americans forget where there from, its a shame because here in the states we have so many rich cultures and heritages. Don't forget where you are from?

Let me get back to my experiences of wearing Hmong clothing, like I had mention this is the first year in my life that I wear Hmong clothing to the New Year celebration even though I attended many celebration in the past. I never felt comfortable wearing but this year I decided to wear it. I enjoy see the reaction I get from my friends and families that I was being so youthful, laughing and enjoying life. I guest this may not be the last time I will be wearing Hmong clothing. It also shows that I love where I'm from! I know even though, wearing the clothing is simple but I didn't even know where to begin, however I did my best of putting on the clothing. I had to stop at my brothers house to ask his wife to ensure I was wearing it correctly. She had to correct my pant, and belt clothing. I was being very simple in my outfit this time because it was my first time.
Let me explain a little history of why we wear Hmong clothing during new year. I was told when I was a young boy that during this time of the year it was to meet and greet the opposite sex. So, everyone want to wear their best outfit to the occasion to impress the ladies or men. It wasn't just to impress people, but by wearing your Hmong clothing. People can tell what region of the country you where from or clan you where with back when were living in Laos. These days since we have been is the states now, a lot of the clothing doesn't represent the region or town where you're from because we have so much access to materials in making the clothing. Beside wearing Hmong clothing, their are games that are played at the celebration; ball tossing or strip ball tossing, sing Hmong love song, and culture shows.
I was hoping to at least to toss ball with someone one but since it was the last day of the event their wasn't that much people there on this Sunday, however I was told I should have been their yesterday the building was packed. I still had a great experience wearing Hmong clothing just walking around greeting friends and families. They we were every happy to see me all dress up this occasion. Maybe I'll be more prepare to take advantage of the season next year.

Also during the New Year many local vendors and local family prepare food to sale at the new year. I love the traditional food that are sold there. I usually eat to much then I should.
Actually Oregon New Year and towns across the nation are celebration new year a little bit early because they want to attend the new year in Sacramento, CA during Thanksgiving weekend and finally the biggest new year celebration is in Fresno, CA during Christmas from Dec 25th thru January 3rd or 5th. Where every Hmong families try to come from all over the the world just to attend the new year. I will be going there this year to experience it again. Hope I will be able to share some pictures and a short summary.


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