Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Survivor Mud Run

This past weekend was such a exciting and exhausting at the same time running at the Survivor Mud Run. 

I was so exciting about the Survivor Mud Run held in California. I had purchased my ticket about two months back. Just trying new things and new experiences. Life is just too short not try new things. I prepare two weeks in advance for it. The race was more of fun and getting dirty then racing for time. Beside at this event no time devices were given out to participants. Regardless  I had so much fun running with my friends.  The event was suppose to be held in Modesto CA this year as previous years,  but due to possible flooding by a river nearby, the event was moved to the Sacramento area. In my opinion why the event moved was more of contractual issues, instead of the river near by flooding the event because it hardly rain in Cali. Why would they have flood warning? I conclude it was more of a contractual issue of renting of the same place so the event holder made it feel like it was a environment or disaster problem. Anyhow I thought the Survivor Mud Run was pretty good and have many great obstacles to overcome.  But it could have been harder! Many participants including my friends complained that it was much better at the previous location. Some reasons why they thought it was less attractive was that the mud was very sandy, the mud was not as silky, the course routes that we were running had many cow hoof prints into the ground which made deep holes which cause a few participants spraining, and twisting their ankles. During the beginning of the run, my friend twist his ankle so the small group all took the course a little slower past. Beside it was more fun to help each other then getting the best time. 

The exhausting part of this event was that it was so freakin hot in Cali! The weather was so hot it was in the 80s or even hotter by the time we started at 10am. In the run, it felt like a 100 plus degree with only one water station in between the whole Survivor Mud Run.  

Overall it was a good experience to something new! 

I might be in your area for a run?


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