Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Portland Shamrock Run

Its been a very long time since I competed in a race.  I had sign up for the 8K Portland Shamrock Run. A few months prior to the race I thought I should train hard, but I started training to early and got bored of running way to early. As the event got closer I ran a few miles here and there, but never really trained hard
for it.  Next time I will try to pace myself to have better training and time slot.

Even though, I didn't trained that hard on the day of the event over seeing over 35 thousands participator of the Shamrock Run give me an adrenaline rush which got my heart pumping fast.  I finish my race in 41 min and 18 sec. I was proud of myself for finishing.

Hope to see you at the next race?


At April 5, 2013 at 6:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you ran the race in such a great time. I'm looking for a Superman to match my speed. Know of anyone who might be interested?---WW


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