Thursday, March 7, 2013


Over the weekend I just visited Minnesota because one of my cousin became a senator in St. Paul, MN.  I was overjoyed and so happy to see him and our Her families as we reunite for a celebration of our newly senator.  The weekend was busy with my family and celebration. I didn't really have much time to meet many of my friends while I was there. However I didn't meet some of my friends while I was there, but I did make time for one special friend. Even though I only knew her for a year, it seems like I've known her for many years. She has brought so much joy and happiness into my life. Even though its just for a few hours with her I will always remember her for all the things she has done for me.

I will remember her for her sweet heart. I hope she will find whatever she wants in life, I know so! For the short time that I saw her. We had a wonderful dinner at Sevens which bought laughter, good conversation and a big smile onto my face, know she will do fine in life. After dinner she gave me a quick tour of her work place. I love her cozy little corner office.

Off I went into the cold Minnesota weather to see my family. During our short encounter she gave me some wonderful home made soap and a sock monkey. I love it!

Good to have friends like her.

Love you!


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