Monday, March 23, 2015

Sleep well, my Angel

Sometime in life you have to leave in order for them to see how much you love them. My love life ain't the greatest but I've meet one particlcular woman that was there for me during my darkest moments. She supported me thru it all. I wanted to send my love and support to her on her next journey. That where ever life will take her I will be sending my prayers to her. I know I will remember her efforts and love towards me. It was a pleasure that we had crossed path. We will be connected forever! She was my saving Angel.

Perhaps I was the sleeping Angel? And she had to leave....

Do you a Saving Angel?


At March 30, 2015 at 8:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

BIGGS, I too had an angel and HE left me. If he thinks that I left him, it was only because I had to live my life and couldn't wait for him (he wasn't going to come back anytime soon). Funny how he was also my "saving Angel." He was there for me during my darkest moments and he brought light into my life. He was my sun. When he left, he took his light away from me, and it was as if the sun had set in my world. I hope he knows that I love him very much and only want him to be happy. Like you, I too send him my love and support, and only wish the best for him in his journey. I also know that he and I will always be connected.

Every time I listen to this song, I think of him:

At April 5, 2015 at 8:19 AM , Blogger BIGGS said...

Such a lovely song! He feels it now.


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