Monday, November 14, 2011


Just the other day I was thinking about the time when I was sent to Israel for work to finish up a installation of a semiconductor equipment in the chemical vapor deposition process at Intel Fab18. My first reaction when my boss approach me I didn't really wanted to go because of all the hype of people not getting along in that region and killing each other. However I wanted to see that region because I just became a follower of Christ and it was a opportunity of a life time to go see the holy land.

I was so excite to go and I have planed places to see and things to do. I thought I had placed all the information into my suit case prior to leaving the states but it never happen. Twenty plus hours later when I had reach Israel and landed in Tel Aviv- Yafo airport I search for my documents. No where to be found in my suit case. So I just took the local map from the rent car, you all know how crappie those maps are? But I had no choice to continue to my destination to Dan Garden Hotel, Askelon.
The people along the way of my drive to Askelon was very helpful when I stop to ask for direction. I had past the hotel coming from the direction of my a strangers the had provided to me. The reason I missed it was that coming from that direction the writing of the hotel was written in When I turned around about a mile later and came back to the direction I came I saw the hotel in English. Finally I was there, I was there safe and sound.

[Inside my room]


[Drive home from work]

My work load was the same but I had to really try to understand the culture and language. I tried my best to learn a few words each day while I was there. The locals managers at my work place really like the fact that I tried to fit in instead of not accepting the culture.
Beside work on my days off, I try to hit up the areas that interested me; Jerusalem, Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee, Haifa, and Red Sea.
Jerusalem --
I had met up with a Intel employee at the hotel where I was staying. He told me that a local Intel employee was going to take him to Jerusalem to do some site seeing. So on my first weekend there I went with them.

[Wishing wall]
[shopping area]
Dead Sea --
On my second weekend I went with some guys I met at the bar in the hotel that I was staying at and drinking one night. We decided to go the Dead Sea.

Sea of Galilee, and Haifa --
On my third week I decided to go on my own to tour the place myself. I woke up one morning and I just drove north toward the Sea of Galilee. That lead me to Haifa along my drive back to Askelon.

 [Standing in the Jordon river]

 [The view of the Sea of Galilee from the highway]

When I came back that evening to the hotel. I had stop at the front desk and notice a business lounge in the front of the lobby. I asked what that was about. The receptionist told me to go talk to the manager regarding the service they provide. So I went to talk to her (the manger) I proceed to ask what kinda of service they provide. She told me that the hotel charter buses to certain places in Israel. I didn't know the hotel had done this, otherwise I would had taken the charter every week so it would have been more informative and a guide would answer questions for me if I had question.

Jerusalem --
On my forth week I decided to go back to Jerusalem because I didn't get to see everything.

When the five and six week came I was too busy to go anywhere else. I wish I could had made it to the Red Sea. I heard many good things about it. Maybe next time when I visit again it will be the first place I would like to go see.


At November 15, 2011 at 11:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds as if you were away from home for some weeks? You must have missed home. At the same time, in retrospect, are you glad that you got a chance to go to Israel and experience the culture for a little bit?--WW

At November 15, 2011 at 11:00 PM , Blogger BIGGS said...

Yes, I was a little home sick by the end of my trip. I've missed those I love back home. However it was a great experince of a life time learning new culture.


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