Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Second Chance


Prior to reading this book what drew me to read it was the title of the book. These last couple years I've been going through some rough times and I believe everybody deserves a second chance!

I'm not really into reading as most people know me, however at the beginning of the year I had set a goal for myself to at-least finish two novel book. Here I am on June 4, 2012 I've completed my second book ahead of my goal for this year. The novel is called, "On the Divinity of Second Chances by Kaya McLaren"

This particular book is very easy reading. The chapters are not too long so that you won't get lost in the storyline and keep you interested in on the subject matter. I thought at the beginning of the book it was very slow because I had to get familiarize with the characters and time, then it pick up fast. Or maybe I'm so into it and I just kept on reading and didn't want to put the book down. In this particular book I laugh, I cried, and I smiled that everybody has a second chance in life. Whatever you are looking for be patience and the rewarding will double.  I recommend this book because it's easy reading and fun to read.
Onto my next book...


At June 6, 2012 at 5:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, two books a year, huh? ;P Sounds as if you really liked this book too. Your review of it wasn't as thorough as your last book review, but it really does sound as if you enjoyed this book. So what book are you now moving on to?---WW


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