Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Last Letter from your Lover

This particular story took place in the 1960's. When Jennifer Stirling wakes up in the hospital, realizing she can't remember what put her there, not knowing her husband, and not even who she is.  It took her several weeks to months to get familiar to her life style of living. As she goes through her unfamiliar things and stumbles upon an love letter hidden in her belonging, signed simply "B", asking her to leave her husband.

It takes her awhile to actually find out who this man is.  She was trying to process why she fall out of love with her husband, now trying to discover herself, trying to find out who this secret lover and how she fall in love with this person.  The letters addressing to her were so passionate. As he admire her and how much feels for her to only have her for himself.  
Sometime in life you have to be selfish to get whatever you want.  However some love are forbidden love.   I know in this particular story it was in a era where it is not acceptable to divorce your spouse, but in this day in age it's becoming more acceptable for divorces in the states. Many sources on the internet suggest a rate of 40 to 50% of Americans ends in divorce in the first marriage. Then on the second and third marriages the rate goes up increasingly from 60% to 73%. How the culture has change from the 60's compare to now a days.  

I'm also a divorce from a lover affair, myself.  Wow, had to get that out of my system.  Even though, it is more acceptable this day in age.  I feel I have failed my spouse, my kids and my family for all the trouble and heartache I have cause to them all.  I know instead of dealing with the problems I had with my spouse, I seek else where.  I should have dealt with her, then the last resort leave her prior to involving another person and putting her into the mix.  If I had seen the future, I would have done so.  I guess now it's just a hard lesson I've learn.  

I feel that sometime we forget why we fall in love with our spouse? Because we get accustom to the day to day living with them. We feel the passion has been lost so instead of adjusting or trying to rediscover our spouse.  We feel that they were not the one and without hesitation we do not mean to fall in love with another person who bring those things that is missing from our spouse.  As I look back in my early days while I was married to my wife. We had all the passion that every lover have.  While I was going through my divorce their are some many resources to help couples who are willing to reconcile with their marriage. However my wife did not want to take that path, for I had destroy her trust.  Not until a two years later I've come to understand her and to realize that something can not be change and forgiven.  However their are many couples who have affairs in their marriage and they are able to heal or reconcile their marriage because they are willing to start fresh with their marriage. Some say it's even better as they reconcile their marriage.

This book has really touch me in so many ways about love affairs, I know love affairs is bad but what if that person you had the love affair was the "one".  After my ex-wife found out I broke it off with my lover.  I wanted to reconcile with my ex-wife but it never happen.  Beside, I love affair was just a distraction from the real problem within me.  I will not got there. Now, I'm searching for who I am. What would really make me happy at the end of the day. When I'm happy the people around me especially my new spouse would love me for who I am.

Love find you again. Whether you are young or old, the right person will find you through the cracks.



At August 6, 2012 at 6:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, this book moved you very much. I've read this book too and I find it interesting that you are picking up on this particular angle in this book, but I sounds as if this aspect of the book has affected you the most. I'm curious to see what book you'll be reading next.---WW

At August 7, 2012 at 6:50 AM , Blogger BIGGS said...

Their so many different prospective I could of took. I just choose to discuss that view because I've learn from that failure.


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