Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sea Bass Fishing

Its been awhile since I've gonna fishing. Have I mention I love to fish, fishing is really relaxing to me just hearing the water splashing against the jetty and no one to weary about but you and the fishing rod trying synchronous as one to feel the sensation pull of a bit from a fish.

A few days ago my ex-wife's brother Jay and his family came to visit her from Colorado. It was really awkward for him to be here but staying at his sisters' house instead with me and her.  Even though the awkwardness was there I want to show him that our friendship over the years can not break because of the mistake his sister and I made, so I invited him to go fishing with me and my nephew at the coast for rock fish or sea bass fish.  We were fishing off of Barview Jetty, Barview Oregon.

Sometime it's not the fish you catch but the friendship you've made during the fishing trip.  Jay and I had build a everlasting friendship between us.  We would share many great stories of our fishing trip, laugh about them, and cheer with joy of the success when we've catch fish and how big nor small the fish are we enjoy being together.  He feels like a big brother/ best friend to me.  We had many great memories over the years regarding fishing and hunting.  Those memories will be close to me forever.

I wanted to him know that I love him dearly, regardless of the situation his sister and I are. I will always be a friend to him.

Love your brother,


At July 8, 2012 at 8:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you have many more opportunities to go sea bass fishing, and fishing in general. You sound so happy.---WW

At July 12, 2012 at 1:24 PM , Blogger BIGGS said...

WW, I do want I can with life. I try my best to be happy.


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