Wednesday, June 13, 2012


My oldest daughter is graduating from elementary school today. It was a happy moment for her. She just graduated from the sixth grade and next year she'll be attending middle school.   I could see it in her face as I gave her a big hug after she had receive her certificate from completing elementary. How time sure flies by, it felt like yesterday when I graduated from sixth grade from Miramonte Elementary School in Clovis, California.  I was very excited as well that I was growing older and becoming into my pre-teens. Now looking back I wish I could live it again but at a slower pace to enjoy every moment instead of growing up so fast. Those were the innocent days; none thing to weary about, just having fun, and enjoying life.

I'm so proud of her accomplishment because she had to change schools two years ago. She had to endure the new change and make new friends from the move. Beside from changing school and she had to deal with divorce parents. Through all that drama she encounter in life, she continue to do well in school and kept focus.  Even though this is a small step in her path, I hope she will continue to work hard and progress in her learning so that one day she will make me a proud parent.  I know she will encounter more difficult things in her path of life but I hope it will not be like this again.  I would like to wish her well as she continue to learn.

Love, Dad


At June 16, 2012 at 8:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such loving words. I hope your daughter knows how much you love her and how proud you are of her.---WW


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