Sunday, May 12, 2013

Never forget the past, it's what makes you stronger!

I wants remember a good friend wants told me that, "my mind knew but my heart was still attach and in love with this person". Now my heart has finally caught up to my mind. Thus I'm moving forward with my life. I will miss dearly of my former lover and friend, for her to live, love and laugh much! Because time isn't waiting for either of us? Maybe in a different life time, it would be different and things will align as we indented to live, love and laugh much.

As for now, things are different between us, which I hate and took a lot of time to make my decision to move on with my journey of life. It was a very hard decision to make, I have concluded this wonderful journey with her was a great one. It took me several months to have really felt that it was time to let seems like a life time of pain and suffering making my decision! I guess that's how you feel when you have shared your heart with someone and love them much. As time goes by I will renaissance of my past, it will put a smile on my face that I wants loved this person very much, the good times and bad times through thick and thin and the wonderful memories we shared. Those moments I will cherish with me until I'm no longer on this earth and I have gone to my father and his fathers before him.

I will continue to pray for her and her safe passage through life.

Live, Love, and Laugh much


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