Thursday, November 26, 2015

My Kids are Enjoying to Read

Thanks to a good friend who had encourage me to read. I forgotten have wonderful it is...

This year I've decided to get a library card so I can encourage my kids to read books on a daily or weekly. I told them reading a book is like going on a adventure into another world or time. As I take them weekly to check out books. I've notice my youngest boy has improved in his reading skills and grammar. As for my youngest daughter who is in three grade joined her schools readers club. In her group their are three other boys. They compet against other kids in a friendly competition for how many books you can. She is so excited, she read three books from the list of books that the teachers has provide her. I'm so proud of her and will continue to monitor her progress.

Until next time, continue read and encourage our young kids to read instead of playing video games. What new books have you read that is interesting?


At January 4, 2016 at 7:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biggs, if your kids have an i-pad or tablet, you should download the Amazon Kindle app onto it. It's free and you can read books on the it. THEN, go and get emails from this website (it's free too):

Bookbub will send you daily emails about cheap or free books (I only "buy" the free books) that you can download. You will download the electronic book directly to your Amazon account, which goes directly to your Kindle app. I LOVE the Kindle app and Bookbub. I've had more access to books this way (along with my library giving me electronic access to books).

I'm so glad and proud of you that you're encouraging your kids to read more. What about you, are you reading more???

Good luck and let me know if this works for you.---WW

At January 6, 2016 at 7:11 AM , Blogger BIGGS said...

Thank very much for your inputs. I do have a iPad. I will try it out. As for me just reading articles but I need to get back to reading.


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