Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I'm Suiting Up like Barney Stinson

Its been 2003 that I've not watch any TV shows. I recently met an old friend that thought since I've been separated from my wife as of January 2010, it would be appropriate for me to watch this show "How I Met Your Mother" to put myself back into the market of dating. As of September 2010 the divorce went through. My friend thought I would like this show, possible bring some laughter into my life, help my with pickup lines and bring my A games with the ladies. My friend thought I should be carefree and fearless with my love like Barney Stinson and Ted Mosby. Also my friend mention not to get into a serious relationship too soon until I recover from my divorce. Should I listen to the advice? I don't know if the next person is perfect or not, but just be cauious with the ladies.
As I starting to watch the show, I quickly fall in love the character of Barney and Ted in this TV show. Let me tell you a little about their character and why I like them so much. In this show Barney Stinson is in his early thirties and almost always wears a suit, likes women with issues and is always willing to offer his hypocritical opinion. Barney is a womanizer and has a plethora of strategies and rules designed to meet women, sleep with them, and discard them.  In contrast to his friend, Ted Mosby is also in his early thirties, who wants to settle down, have a family and is narrator from the future, voiced by Bob Saget, as he tells his children the long version of how he met their mother. Ted is more of a romantic guy, who wants to know the women, and try to see if they can really connect with him.  Not until after his best friend Marshall Eriksen gets engaged, Ted decides to try and find his soul mate. His quest informs the general direction of the show.
I have to say the two character of Barney and Ted are totally different from each other.  The reason I like Barney character is because is fearless about meeting woman, even if they turn him down he quickly move on to the next woman. Like the say, "Its not yours to begin with, and you haven't lost anything when they say no". I have to say when I was young I was more like Barney.  However now that I'm much older and just went through a divorce. I feel like I'm more like Ted.  I want to take my time to search for my sole mate, see if can connect emotionally and spiritually, then settle down with her, and to love her with all my heart.
WOW, I love the show so much and I couldn't help myself to keep watch the show, sometime it feels like a full marathon watching five to ten episodes at a time.  I finally completed a total of six seasons and over 100 plus episodes within one months period. I generally watch it when I found time alone from my busy life with kids, and work. I guess I have a lot of time on my hand. I have come to love this TV show of "How I Met Your Mother" and I can't wait to watch the season seven.  Why I love the show, because I feel some of the struggles the main characters goes through are like real life experiences that I had live through it.  I've actually learned a few new ideas from the show and better ways to help with my next relationship.
Now I need to find where rest of the season seven.


At November 24, 2011 at 6:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, where have you been the last seven years? You sound as if you're a caveman or some kind of dinosaur.

It does sound like you really really like this show. You must really connect with the characters and the show's storyline. I like the show too, but definitely not as much as you. I think "The Big Bang Theory" is much more funny, but that's just my opinion. So in real life, have you tried any of the pick up lines from the show?--WW

At November 30, 2011 at 9:00 PM , Blogger BIGGS said...

You know WW, I've actually tried some of these pick up on some woman, but it doesn't seem to be working? I think I'm doing something wrong and I will need to re-watch some of the episodes to perfect my skills.


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