Friday, April 1, 2016

My Legs are like Jello

A small waterfall as we passed by a creek.

This past weekend my beloved and I went on another adventure trying to get our cardio, and legs ready for the big hike in May. Here are some random photos I took with my iPhone, I forgot to bring a long my canon camera on this trip.

We crossed over these slippery rocks to the other side.

After a inclined of 2500 evaluation gain we came across a small meadow full of these wild lily flowers.

As we got above 4000 evaluation and descending down on the dark side or shadow of the mountain their was still snow on the ground with made it slippery. We put on our spikes for about 1000 feet of descending before we could remove our spikes.

This hike was 11.3 miles round trip up Herman Creek trail, up Casey Creek trail to the top and down Nick Eaton Trail returning back to our car.

Have you done any hikes?


At April 5, 2016 at 6:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No hikes for me, and probably not for some time (I'm having my own different type of adventure). I'm excited for the both of you and your trip in May. Learn how to take some night photography of the stars and share your pictures with me. I'll look for some tutorials for you. Keep smiling and shining bright.---WW

At April 9, 2016 at 3:13 PM , Blogger BIGGS said...

I've been wanting to try that but I haven't done so? If you do have some links for tutorials please send it my way? Thanks in advance? S

At April 9, 2016 at 7:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's so well worth the effort because the best time to take astrophotgraphy is anytime after midnight. If you're still living in your "boonie" home, you should try photographing in your backyard first on a moonless night; just remember to face your camera away from light pollution. I know you're good at staying still when holding your camera, but I highly recommend you get a tripod. Lastly, try to photograph the Milky Way because it's so beautiful when done right. I'll post what I have on my blog when I have time (you know where to find it). I love astrophotography, but it's scary to do it by myself late late at night. Good luck and I'm excited for you.

Here are some helpful links:

At April 22, 2016 at 5:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the info... in near future look for my photos of the stars.


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