Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl

For awhile now I haven't really been myself due to unforeseen events that occurred in my life. I will not get into it because this is my place for me to express things I like to do.  Where was I, as I stated it's been awhile since I enjoy being around my family and friends at my house celebrating a special event or just kicking it and catching up with life with one another.  However, yesterday was a perfect excuse for me to gather all the boys and watch Super Bowl at my house.

What got me to do this was that I generally follow a blogger and read her story's from time to time.  She recently wrote about "self sufficiency skills".  I thought to myself I have a lot of self sufficiency skills which I haven't use for awhile now. Beside I'm a survivor and jack of all trades so I wanted to refresh my skills to see if I can still roast a pig. I brought the idea to the boys (nephews and friends) to see if they would like to have a Super Bowl party and I would host it. I suggest we put our money together to purchase the pig and I would do the preparation and roast it.  Early last week on Tuesday morning, my nephew and I went to a local place south of us roughly 40min to 1hr drive.  This local pig ranch is own by Luarny.  We call him in advance and he would boil hot water for us on the morning of slaughtering the pig.  We would drive down and pick out which pig to have for the party.  Then we would slaughter it and prep the pig in preparation for roasting. After the pig has been slaughter and brought home.  I put it into the freezer for two days, then take it out to defrost and be marinaded with my secret sauce (If I tell you, I will need to kill you...LOL).  

On the morning of Super Bowl Sunday I put the marinaded pig into the cooking box (You'll find on this link what I used to cook the pig with-  The whole pig will be cook for 5 to 6 hours depends on the size of the pig.  Traditionally, I would cook on an open fire but since we have invested in this cooking box that's what we have been cooking as of late.

On the picture above you can see that the pig is crispy brown and really taste (Yummy).  As I prep to chop it my friend took a picture of me. I hope everyone enjoy the game and hope your team won? I didn't care who or which team won the game but I enjoy the company of my family and friends. I hope everyone got to enjoy it as much as I did doing "things I like to do". 


At February 7, 2012 at 6:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So are you "yourself" again? Sounds as if you had a lot of fun and really enjoyed the event. Hey, I see a dino in the picture.---WW


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