Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Girl on the Bridge

Living in this world is a rough road everyday. Sometime we dwell in the past too much and forget to concentrate on the present moment. Take a moment to enjoy the ride and not wonder at our future what it would be like; let it come to you.  When things happen to us the way we didn't envision it we feel that bad luck always happen to us when we didn’t even live the moment and we are always chasing the dream?  For example, in this movie Adele believes she has a long bad luck history with love and she try to end her life by jumping from the bridge into the river to kill herself.  Gabor try to save her and her luck begin to change.  I believe fate brought them together to save each other.  Adele is always chasing a dream of a perfect man and forget to realize all the mistake or bad habits she has done to attract all the wrong guys. Even when she see a good man like Gabor the one who save her, given her luck, she refuse to believe and run of with another man.  At the end, Gabor try to end has life by getting ready to jump off a bridge and now Adele saves him.

I believe everyone deserve to be save once in awhile.


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