Saturday, December 3, 2011

Crossing Path

By: yonghongzhong

Looking back from where we stand. I wouldn't change a thing about my life to where I've met you on this crazy path that I'm heading. Maybe its only a detour or a wrong turn for me to have cross path with you. This could not have been a mistakes if it has brought me here to be with you. Cause all my roads have led me to you.  My life hasn't been all that smooth, but I don't regret a single day not knowing you.  This path we have walk has taught me what love is and what it's not.  Someone must have planned our two paths to have cross?  I know these detours, dead ends, and endless explorations have led me to you, you were my only destination so where do we go from here. Has it come to a dead end?  I have a weird sensation like I'm hearing you whispering my name. I still hear your sexy voice but you're not really here by my side. Your memory is like a ghost and my heart is it's host. I can still feel you just as close as when we were lying together, every now and then it felt like yesterday. Is it just an imaginary path that was not meant to be, but just to have learn what love really feels like. I'm all by myself in my empty bed feeling cold. There use to be a place you've touched with your love, now I'm feels empty. I can still feel you or is it just a memory of you?


At December 4, 2011 at 7:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biggs, is your situation really out of your control or can you exert some influence over it? If you're feeling so cold, why don't you do something to warm yourself up? If you've crossed paths with this person, are you going to continue on your separate way or do you think you might just try and forge a new path for the both of you? You sound confused and a bit defeated. I'm sure your memory must be haunting this person too.---WW

At December 5, 2011 at 8:29 PM , Blogger BIGGS said...

My life is not out of control just a little bit at times, more confusing tho. I will try my best to exert some influence to see if I can get this relationship to work. As far as going my separate way without her, I don't know if I can do that yet. I would like to see if I can forge a new path with her to see if we can workout or not. I think its a little too early to determine what is the right path for now, I think their is alot of paths to take, but she and I needs to warm up to the idea and workout the details as a team? The reason I feel a little cold is that I can't seem to find the correct solution so I feel confused and a bit defeated, but trying to warm up my feeling by finding a solution.

At December 10, 2011 at 6:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biggs, good luck with finding a solution. If you don't find a solution, I hope that you both cross paths again. If not in this lifetime, then hopefully in another lifetime. I wish the best for you.---WW


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