Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Conversations with Other Women

I've been very busy watching random movies from earlier years that were suggested by my intimate stranger. She suggested several movies, I thought this one was to my liking called, "Conversations with Other Woman".

My thought on this movie is that sometime as much as you love someone, maybe you are not meant to be together? The director tries to show that during this movie I thought. Somehow they were much in love at their younger days but as they age they went their separate ways. I believe they grow apart from each other mentally and spiritually not knowing what they really wanted in life when they were young, so she went searching for her identity. Especially that’s how it appears to me what the actress went through. She went ahead with her life searching and found what she wanted out of life. Perhaps she had a little regret how it ended with her ex lover, now much later in life she wonder how life would turn out if she took another path with her ex lover. So she came back to attend her ex lover sister’s wedding. They found an old spark were they had left off nine years ago, they spent the night together. However the next day as the alcohol wears off they knew that it was not meant for them to be together as they went their separate way. Sometime we make life decision that we have to live with, as how as the heart does not wants to forget the past. 


At December 15, 2011 at 5:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, it sounds as if this movie really resonated with you. Maybe you're identifying so much with this movie because of the situation you're going through right now in your personal life (from what I can gather from your previous posts). This movie sounds interesting, maybe I'll check it out if I ever get a Netflix account or if someone shares his account information with me.---WW


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